Kompetentnost' 1/122/2015
ISSN 1993-8780
Products Quality Assessment as a Tool for Reducing Information Asymmetry
Prof. Dr. M.I. Lomakin, Deputy General Director, FSUE “STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia, lmi@gostinfo.ru,
E.V. Glushakova, Applicant, FSUE “STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia
key words
quality, producers, consumers, interaction, information asymmetry
Information asymmetry in the interaction of producers and consumers is understood as an unequal access to information where individual economic agents are informed better than others. We continued to consider issues to reduce information asymmetry and evaluation of product quality. This article is a further development.
In our research, we have identified conditions of producer interest in the issue of good quality products and the conditions under which the manufacturer will get the maximum profit with the release of good quality products. We showed that products quality evaluation is not only the objective of determining compliance with a certain level of product quality, but also a tool for reducing information asymmetry and aims the manufacturer to produce good quality products.
To exclude unfair behavior of the manufacturer on the market, consumers must be aware of the real products quality. The more the market consumers informed about products quality, the stronger the manufacturer committed to providing products of good quality and, conversely, when consumers are uninformed, the manufacturer committed to providing products of poor quality.
Thus, products quality assessment and consumer awareness of it serves as a tool to reduce the information asymmetry in the system ‘producer — consumer’ and directs the manufacturer to produce good quality products
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