Kompetentnost' 3/114/2014

ISSN 1993-8780


High-tech Production in Universities:

Project Effectiveness and Risk Methodology

V.V. Mitrokhin, Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Finance and Credit, FSBEI HPE, Ogarev Mordovia State

University, Saransk, Russia, mitrokhin_vlad@mail.ru

M.V. Vilkova, Master of Physics, Member, Center for Collective Use, FSBEI HPE, Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia

key words

innovation, research, innovative production, performance evaluation, innovative project

of higher education, risk assessment, AlSiC


The article is devoted to creating an integrated risk assessment methods and efficiency projects to high-tech production in the Russian universities. The methodology in the analysis of the innovative project on technology development and creation of the production of heat transfer products from metal matrix composite materials for power electronics devices and converters is applied by the authors. The given innovative project is carried out by the electrical company Elektrovypryamitel, Ogarev Mordovia State University and All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials. These works are considered to be the part of the RF Government Decree On measures of state support for the cooperation development of Russian higher education institutions and organizations cooperation implementing complex projects on high-tech production.

Demonstrated the possibilities of the method, gives step by step instructions. We analyze the possibility of risk events occurrence, the project analyzed using different evaluation criteria. Was determined by the internal rate of return of the project, concluded its attractiveness for potential investors. As a result, the authors consider reasonable conclusion about choice of the project for implementation.

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