Publication Problems of Research Articles on the Topic of Legal Studies

Dr. V.A. Vinokurov, Professor of the Theory and History, State and Law Department, Saint-Petersburg University of State

Fire Service of Russia EMERCOM, RF Honored Lawyer, Moscow, Russia,

key words

RF Constitution, human rights

and freedoms, liberty of scientific work, scientific worker, scientific research, national standard, bibliographic references, academic journals


This article regards some separate issues, which appear during preparation and publication of research articles concerning law and constitutional right of everyman to liberty of scientific work.

Existing standards and rules allow the author to choose how to make out his scientific research. Any rules for the design of the text should be reasonable, logical, understandable, easy to use by the author of the published research, understandable and convenient to the reader, I believe.

I analysed the issues relating some problems created by academic journals editorial staff, like giving proper form to bibliographic references in research articles. Also I give several proposals towards the respect of scientific work liberty. This will allow the authors avoid restriction of their scientific work liberty.

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