Kompetentnost' 3/124/2015

ISSN 1993-8780

Innovative Technologies by Аluminum Аlloys Usage

Prof. Dr. A.E. Artes, Professor, FSBEI, HPE, Moscow State University of Technology, STANKIN, Moscow, Russia, k_spd@stankin.ru

Dr. V.V. Tret’yukhin, Chief, Department, the Head of Procuring Manufacture MK INVEST, Moscow, Russia, vt@mkinvest.ru

key words

the proportion of aluminum alloys, the system of plastic deformation, new technologies, research, the efficient processing of aluminum, the details

of engineering application


Current trend in engineering, construction, food industry and other industries is to increase the proportion of aluminum alloys used in the manufacture of various parts, components and structures. The department of Stankin’s plastic deformation systems works intensively on the problem of creating new and improving known technologies of efficient processing of aluminum instead of using steel and iron in the manufacture of details of engineering application for example a new technology of various impellers and other products with thin edges extrusion were introduced.

In our laboratory the processes of hot and cold forging casting low­plastic aluminum alloys are worked through. To expand the assortment of tubular products with taps the technology is developed. It’s based on the use of an aluminum alloy as a filler — the working environment for getting a given shape of the product. In addition, the department conducted the research on the use of aluminum alloys in the manufacture of details for valve industry.

In this review, we analyze the state of the production and consumption of aluminum alloys in Russia and abroad, we describe the new technology of the efficient processing of aluminum instead of using steel and iron in the manufacture of details for engineering application.

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10. Patent 2509617 RF, MPK: B21C23/08. Sposob polucheniya metallicheskikh izdeliy pologo profilya [The method of producing metal products of hollow profile], Artes A.E., Elenev P.A., Butvinova A.P., Tret’yukhin V.V.; zayavitel’ i patentoobladatel’: FGBOU VPO MGTU STANKIN, N 2012133181/02; zayavl. 02.08.2012, opubl. 20.03.2014. Byul. 8, 7 p.
11. Patent 78450 RF, MPK: B21D 22/00. Instrument dlya pressovaniya trubchatogo izdeliya s meridional’nymi rebrami [The tool for the extrusion of tubular products with meridional edges] Artes A.E., Serov E.P., Gureeva T.V., Tret’yukhin V.V.; zayavitel’ i patentoobladatel’ GOU VPO MGTU STANKIN, N 2008130440/22; zayavl. 24.07.2008, Byul. no. 34, 3 p.
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13. Artes A.E., Bil’chuk M.V., Mel’nikov I.I. Sovershenstvovanie tekhnologicheskikh protsessov detaley armaturostroeniya metodami plasticheskogo deformirovaniya [The improvement of technological processes of valve details with the methods of plastic deformation], Vestnik MGTU Stankin, no. 1, 2011, p. 8–12.