Where You Go, a Baccalaureate? Once Again About
Partial Competence and Competence Over All
Prof. Dr. A.V. Nesterov, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, nesterav@yandex.ru
key word
baccalaureate, partial competence, competence over all, competence- based approach, continuous vocational training
There are signs of crisis in the USA Baccalaureate. So, this fact should alert the organizers of the Russian education. In this article, I discuss such concepts as «partial competence» and « competence over all».
The main theme of the article is the problem of Baccalaureate, and how much knowledge should a bachelor possess. What is considered the main criterion in the certification of students (graduates): qualifications testing, their competence or skills?
I believe that the system of continuing professional education must establish an optimal relationship between college, Baccalaureate, specialist programme, master courses, graduate and post-graduate training. Moreover, I think, that at every stage of education (preparation, training) a system of professional competence level evaluation of graduates by a third party should exist. In this case, educational institutions management will have to allocate appropriate resources to ensure an adequate educational level of graduates.
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