Kompetentnost' 4/115/2014
ISSN 1993-8780
Topical Issues of Social and Economic Development of Regions Strategy Formation
Prof. Dr. T.Kh. Usmanova, Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Financial
University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
key words
innovative investment policy, social and economic development, quality of life of the population, territorial planning, standards of economic stability
Authors believe that the state regional policy must be aimed at providing the balanced social and economic development of the Russian Federation entities, reduction of interregional level differentiation in a social and economic condition of regions and quality of life, as well as creation of high standards of populations’ economic stability. For the implementation of these programs a system of territorial planning is needed. Such system should include federal, regional and municipal projects. The program must be linked to the timing and resource provision between regions, as well as the indicative plans, including forecasts, budgets, agreements and contracts concluded by the federal government bodies. Federal authorities, local authorities, businesses enterprises and organizations are the one of the authors’ conclusion.
In their study the authors have examined the legal aspects of project management, an investment climate conditions in Russia’s regions and its cooperation with international financial institutions including international development assistance.
Innovative development of the regions is fully discussed. Direction of strategic planning projects and measures to improve the efficiency of budget spending are given. The program of social and economic development of the Russian Federation should be a single set of interrelated goals.
1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (In Russia).
2. Civil code of the Russian Federation of 30.11.1994 no. 51-FZ (In Russia).
3. Budget code of the Russian Federation of 31.07.1998 no. 145-FZ (In Russia).
4. Tax code of the Russian Federation of 31.07.1998 no. 146-FZ (In Russia).
5. The Federal law of 26.12.1995 no. 208-FZ About joint-stock companies (In Russia).
6. The Federal constitutional law of 17.12.1997 no. 2-ФКЗ About RF government.
7. The Federal law of February 25, 1999 no. 39-FZ About investment activity in the Russian Federation which is carried out in the form of capital investments (In Russia).
8. Federal law of 21.07.2005 no. 115-FZ About concession agreements (In Russia).
9. Federal law of 21.07.2007 no. 185-FZ About Fund of assistance to reforming of housing and public utilities (In Russia).
10. RF Government regulation, June 26, 1995 no. 594 An order of development and implementation of federal target programs and interstate target programs in which implementation the Russian Federation participate (In Russia).
11. RF Government regulation of 22.11.1997 no. 1470 About the statement of the Order granting the state guarantees at the expense of the RF budget funds development on a competitive basis and the Provision on an assessment of efficiency of investment projects
at placement on a competitive basis of the centralized investment resources of the Russian Federation Budget development (In Russia).
12. RF Government regulation, November 7, 2008 no. 815 About the approval of budgetary Rules providing appropriations of the RF Investment fund (In Russia).
13. RF Government Order, November 17, 2008 no. 1662-p. The concept long-term socially economic development of the Russian
Federation for the period till 2020 (In Russia).
14. Usmanova T.Kh. Auditor sheets. Moscow, 2012, no. 5, p. 8–15.
15. Usmanova T.Kh., Hayrullina L.I. Actual problems of regional projects formation and financing, Economika i upravlenie v mashinostroenii, Moscow, 2013. no. 3 (June).
16. www. worldbank.org.
Замеченные опечатки. В журнале «Компетентность» № 3–2014 подпись к фото на стр.33 должна быть: ВНИИМ им. Д.И. Менделеева. Метрологический музей.
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