Information and Management: Historical

Development of Definitions

Assoc. Рrof. Dr. A.I. Sukhorukov, Associate Professor, Projects Managements and Programs Department, Plechanov

Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Assoc. Рrof. Dr. S.Yu. Eroshkin, Associate Professor, Projects Managements and Programs Department, Plechanov

Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia,

key words

information, informatics, cybernetics, entropy, bit


Historical dynamics of the formation information and management as a key concepts of modern management that we have shown. Also we have analysed modern interpretations of concepts of information, cybernetics, informatics and have considered communication of information and management. Initially information served as a control facility objects. However it is used for management of information when the information systems have become an intermediate link between operating/ manager and objects of management. We have also considered the concept information management as the independent section of management. Considering a current state of society informatization and information technologies rapid growth, we consider that behind information management there is both a present and a future of the world economy. Information management will provide the main growth of enterprises income in the next decades.

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