Project: an Analysis of Economic and Organizational


D.N. Chulkov, Graduate, Plekhanov Russian Economic University, Moscow, Russia,

key words

project, project activity, routine


Successfully  implemented  project  can  significantly  improve  the  working  efficiency of the organization. I believe that every management tool must have an unambiguous and  internally  consistent  definition  and  its  possible  scope  of  application  was  strictly delineated.  The  opportunities  limits  must  be  clear  and  there  must  be  no  mixing with other tools close, otherwise such tool will be used ineffectively.

In  this  paper,  first  of  all  I’ve  tried  to  clarify  the  definition  of  project,  analyzed its economic and organizational entity, revealed the drawbacks of existing definitions, set  the  methodological  problems  that  are  typical  for  the  analysis  of  the  essence of the project, classified activities of the enterprise in terms of uniqueness of the results and on such basis suggested my own definition of the term project.

It  is  demonstrated  that  the  uniqueness  of  projects  is  based  on  uniqueness 

of processes. A new definition of project is given.

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