Green Economy. Improving the Institutional
Infrastructure for Creating Conditions
G.S. Nikitin, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, Moscow, Russia V.S. Os’makov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, Moscow, Russia D.О. Skobelev, Head, Bureau of Best Available Technologies, Moscow, Russia
key words
economic growth model, sustainable development, technological initiative, resource saving and waste processing, BAT
In this article we have discussed the following problems:
(а) Decrease in consumption of non-renewable natural resources due to the risk of resource crisis. Appeal of the society to other models of economic development;
(b) Active transition of the developed western countries to a green economy;
(c) Ecological orientation of Russian State Policy. Transition to advanced production technologies, environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy in the next decade. Adoption of the National Technology Initiative;
(d) The need for a waste recycling market based on innovative resource-saving technologies, which has all chances to become successful both in the short and long term;
(e) The possibility of supporting scientific, technical and innovative activities to develop resource-saving technologies from the Center for Environmental Industrial Policy.
1. General Assembly OON Resolution of 25.09.2015 Transformation of the World: An Agenda for Sustainable Development for the period up to 2030;
2. RF President Decree of 5.01.2016 N 7 On holding the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation (In Russia).
3. Fundamentals of state policy in the field of environmental development of Russia for the period until 2030. The text of the document was not officially published.
4. RF President Decree of 1.12.2016 N 642 On the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation;
5. RF President Message to the Federal Assembly of 4.12.2014; (In Russia).
6. Agency for Strategic Initiatives, official website;