Quality Evaluation of the Remote-controlled Objects on Small Samples

Prof. Dr. M.I. Lomakin, Leading Researcher, Institute of Market Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Moscow, Russia, lmi@gostinfo.ru

key words

quality, sampling, distribution function, guaranteed rating points


I have studied the problem of quality evaluation of indicators of remote-controlled objects by small samples of unknown distribution, and have proposed a method of identifying such indicators. I have shown that the quality indicator is defined as the guaranteed estimate on the set of discrete distributions with the given moments equal to a selected moments based on the solution of a linear programming. In this research work, I have shown that the technical state control of remote-controlled objects such as space vehicles, is carried out at a discrete time moments. That is so, because they are out of sight of telemetric measurements means within a certain time. I suppose, that in this case it is appropriate to assume that the distribution function of the random variable — uptime of remote-сontrolled оbjects — belongs to a class of discrete distributions as a caused rejection of the spacecraft is detected only at the next session of telemetry control.

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