Kompetentnost' 5/126/2015
ISSN 1993-8780
On the Functional Evaluation Model
of the Integrated Structures’ Innovative Potential
S.N. Rusakov, Applicant, FSUE, STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia, strecha@gostinfo.ru
key words
production, innovations, model, system, dual technology, integrated structure, military-industrial complex
The approach to the construction of a model for assessing the integrated structures’ innovative potential in the production of dualuse products is on consideration. We propose a universal form of the generalized indicator of efficiency on the basis of the conformity principle of the integrated structure of innovative potential. As system indicators of innovative potential estimation the groups of indicators are on consideration. Each of them fully reveals the willingness and ability of the integrated structure to create and use (under the existing resource constraints) innovation for the purpose of obtaining different kinds of effects: sectoral, position on foreign and domestic markets, national security.
We offer a multifunctional model of innovation capacity and the procedure of its construction with several stages. Among them are such points as establishment the feasibility of the relationship between resources, the level of competitiveness and economic performance; the formation of the system of target indicators in the production of dualuse products; structuring; the choice of means and methods; implementation of baseline data collection, its processing, calculation and so on.
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