Investigation of the Technical Barriers to Trade

Dr. E.V. Priymak, Associate Professor, Analytical Chemistry, Certification and Quality Management Department (ACQMD), Kazan National Research Technological University (KNITU), Kazan, Russia,

R.I. Tabaev, Master, Department of ACQMD, KNITU, Kazan, Russia,

key words

technical regulations, technical rules, standards, technical barriers to trade, WTO


In order to protect local producers, many countries impose specific technical requirements for products, limiting import of goods. Under certain conditions, these requirements are becoming technical barriers to trade. The introduction of technical barriers significantly affect international trade. In is necessary to identify, analyze, and ultimately, to take into account the production of competitive products in order to overcome these barriers. We have conducted research in the field of information security issues and monitoring of the European system of technical regulation, standardization, evaluation and conformity assessment, limiting exports of Russian products. The research was carried out on the example of the most competitive products manufactured by enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan. We hope that your information will be useful to domestic producers in promoting their products on foreign markets.

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2. Priymak E.V. The management system improvement of customs authority within the WTO & Customs union, Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta, 2012, no. 14, pp. 210–212.

3. Ekonomika Respubliki Tatarstan [The economy of the Republic of Tatarstan], Ofitsial’nyy Tatarstan, 2015, http://
