Improving the Competitive Sustainability of High-Tech Enterprises Based

on the Development of Information Safety

Prof. Dr. V.Yu. Korchak, Chairman, Applied Problems Section of Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of Russian

Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. N.S. Efimovа, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. V.V. Kalachanov, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia,

D.А. Davydov, Postgraduate, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia,

key words

aviation, high-tech enterprises, information safety, information technology


On the example of aircraft building, we have examined the issues of increasing the competitiveness of high-tech enterprises on the basis of information safety tools’ development. Information safety today largely determines both the economic and general safety of high-tech enterprises. At the same time, the dependence of enterprise’s economic safety level on its information component becomes more and more obvious. The purpose of information safety is to protect information from a wide range of threats, ensure business continuity, minimize damage and maximize profits. To create conditions for full-fledged safety, the protection of automated systems must be ensured at all stages of information processing, as well as in all modes of operation, using various methods and means to ensure the safety and integrity of the data, which we discuss in this article.

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