28 TECHNICAL REGULATION Kompetentnost' 1/122/2015
Standardization as an Important Economic Tool to Improve the Quality of Defense Products
Dr. T.K. Alferova, Senior Researcher, FSBI Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
I.P. Andreykov, Head of Department, FSBI Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Prof. Dr. A.V. Leonov, Leading Researcher, FSBI Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, alex.clein51@yandex.ru
key words
standardization, economic instrument, defense products, quality of defense products, normative documents
on standardization, terms and definitions
We have considered the problem of the defense products quality as the integral characteristic, investigated the main reasons for the low quality of defense products and showed that standardization is an important economic tool for managing the quality of defense products. We have also list the tasks of the state customer in terms of standardization and quality defense products.
We have examined in detail the quality level of defense products, in particular its reliability and the reasons for refusal and the necessity of implementation economic management methods. We have shown that the improvement of the defense products’ quality management system using the tools of standardization in the new economy should begin primarily with the formation of a unified and consistent system of terms and definitions. We have considered factors and conditions to enhance the role of standardization in ensuring the quality of defense products, as well as the state of standardization in this area. We believe that for the creation of a full-fledged system of terms and definitions in the field of defense products it is necessary to make a fundamental analysis of all relevant standards for terms and definitions on the interspecific and the species levels.
In our study, we have analyzed and presented the results of the analysis of one of the existing regulations on the terms and definitions and have formulated suggestions for its further improvement. We have studied the structure of term defense products system; the composition terms; compliance of terms and definitions with regulations and made proposals for further improvements. In order the standard in the future fully perform the functions of the fundamental document, one must specify the terminological system structure and expand the range of terms contained therein.
Thus, according to the study, we concluded that in order to improve the quality management system of defense products using standardization tools in the new economic environment it is necessary to:
establish a unified and consistent terminology system.
conduct a full examination of the terminology and systematic updating.
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