Kompetentnost' 8/129/2015

ISSN 1993-8780


Increase of the Enterprise Competitiveness: Quality Management System’s Role

Dr. I.A. Soboleva, Associate Professor, Novosibirsk Branch, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

(ASMS), Full Member, Academy of Quality Problem, Novosibirsk, Russia, mainbox@asmsnsk.ru

Dr. V.M. Chistin, Head, Тhe QMS Certification Body, LLC, Novosibirsk Center for Certification and Monitoring of Product

Quality, Associate Professor, Novosibirsk Branch, ASMS, Full Member, Academy of Quality Problem, Novosibirsk, Russia

key words

competitiveness components, quality, quality of business, the business quality management, quality management


Intense competition of products on the market and management production crisis became a compelling reason to seek opportunities to improve the competitiveness of enterprises.
In order to improve the competitiveness of products and enterprises first of all we need to examine the components of competitiveness and to develop recommendations for improving them. In our research we have given the internal and external factors of competitiveness, product competitiveness evaluation methods, as well as have shown that the introduction of a quality management system for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 is a prerequisite for the success of the enterprise management, that creates the conditions for improving the performance and competitiveness of Russian enterprises.
Thus, the establishment of quality management system and the application of modern tools and new methods of quality management provide efficient management and sustainable development of the organization, increases the competitiveness of products and ensure the competitiveness of enterprises. All these provide a framework to enhance the competitiveness of the state.

1. RF GOST ISO 9001–2011 (In Russia).

2. RF GOST R ISO 9004–2009 (In Russia).

3. Soboleva I.A., Filatov E.I., Yakimova I.V. Menedzhment kachestva: uchebnoe posobie [Quality management], Novosibirsk, Izdatel’stvo

Sibprint, 2009, 129 p.

4. Eliferov V.G., Repin V.V. Biznes-protsessy [Business processes], Moscow, RIA Standarty i kachestvo, 2007.

5. Krasnova V. Daesh’ antikrizisnuyu berezhlivost’! [For anti-crisis thriftiness!], Ekspert, 2015, no. 17.


Александров С.Л., Зорин Ю.В., Новиков В.А.

Аудиты улучшений

Учебное пособие. — М.: АСМС, 2015.

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