Analysis of the Sberbank Production System

Effectiveness and its Development

Dr. R.A. Dolzhenko, Associate Professor, Strategic Marketing Department, National Research University, Higher School of Economics,

key words

Sberbank, optimization technology, the production system of Sberbank, Lean, staff involving


Globalization, increasing competition in the international and national markets make modern companies all over the world look for ways to improve the effectiveness of their work. Unfortunately, now in this direction the Russian Federation is among the outsiders. Only a few domestic companies have achieved some success in this field. These include the Russia’s largest commercial bank — Sberbank Russia. It was able to create its own unique methodology for improving current operations and to implement it in practice of most of its divisions. This methodology is a good example of the effective use of international experience in the field of domestic opportunities. I have considered the essence of the Sberbank production system, analyzed the experience of its implementation in the activities of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia.

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