A Simulation Model of Measuring Instruments

Calibration Procedure

M.V. Golobokov, Metrology engineer, State Regional Center of Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk, Russia, malachit_40@inbox.ru

Prof. Dr. S.B. Danilevich, Professor, Novosibirsk Branch of the Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification

(training), Member of the Academy of Quality Problems, Novosibirsk, Russia, ser-danilevich@yandex.ru

key words

measuring instruments, accuracy

of the calibration results, simulation


The algorithm for data collection and simulation modeling verification procedure, allowing to estimate reliability of the results and to develop more effective methods of verification is developed in the given work. The algorithm provides:

(a) description of the parameters of the distribution function of the error of verification instruments individually for each control point;

(b) joint modeling of correlated and uncorrelated measurement; measurement modeling a piecewise described by the autocorrelation functions;

(c) the construction of multiple models with the same parameters and statistical evaluation of their results.

Integration with storage system of protocols verification allows use previously accumulated data for building stochastic models. A probabilistic model of measurement error for temperature thermometers AKIP, Testo, Sight is generated. We have observed the differences between probabilistic models of initial and periodic verifications. Correlation dependence of the thermometers error in the various control points, as well as the type and parameters of the autocorrelation function is found. The influence of the parameters of the stochastic models on the estimates of indicators of reliability obtained by the method of imitating modeling is examined. We have evaluated the results reliability of AKIP, Testo, Sight pyrometers verification on the previously performed work.

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