Assessing of the Russia Security in the Military- technical Sphere. Methodical Approach

Prof. Dr. Prof. V.L. Lyaskovskiy, Senior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Institution 46th Central Scientific

Research Institute, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. Assoc. Prof. S.S. Smirnov, Deputy Head of Directorate, Federal State Budgetary Institution 46th Central Scientific

Research Institute, Moscow, Russia,

D.V. Nesterov, Senior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Institution 46th Central Scientific Research Institute, Moscow, Russia,

key words

threat, security, expert assessment


The timely forecasting of security threats in the military-technical sphere for the near and long term with the identification of the most probable and dangerous, as well as the formation of measures to counter them is a necessary condition for developing a rational military-technical policy of the state. We have developed a generalized algorithm for assessing the security of the Russian Federation in the military-technical sphere, which includes several stages. We believe, the use of this method makes it possible to obtain a quantitative assessment of Russia’s security in the military-technical sphere when applying possible measures of parry at various time intervals. This approach should be used when planning measures of the State Armaments Program, as well as other programs related to defense research aimed at countering threats to the security of the Russian Federation in the military-technical sphere.

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