Methods of Chemical Products’ Identification
I.A. Kosorukov, Deputy Head of Chemistry Department, FSUE VNII SMT, Moscow, Russia
Prof. Dr. M.L. Rakhmanov, Deputy General Director, All-Russia Scientific Research Institute for Certification, Moscow, Russia
Dr. N.M. Muratova, Deputy Science Director, FSUE VNII SMT, Moscow, Russia
key words
identification, analysis, chemical composition and physical-chemical properties of product, tests in an accredited laboratory
We have defined a single methodology for the identification of chemical products (in particular options). We consider that the main identification parameters are the chemical composition and chemicals structure of products. We have attributed a classification grouping, mark (grade), operating characteristics and appointment of products to the auxiliary parameters.
We have reviewed the main method’s stages of chemical products’ identification. We have also paid attention to tests’ organization conditions, which are necessary to provide confirmation of the results, including the use of accredited laboratories and internationally approved standardized methods. We consider it is important to observe the following conditions in the test results’ processing (measurements, research) for purposes of identification: the lack of ambiguity test results; confirmatory research activity; interpretation and validation of the results conducted by technically qualified personnel.