Kompetentnost' 7/148/2017
ISSN 1993-8780
Sovereign Wealth of Russia: Save or Spend?
Dr. A.A. Ivanov, Associate Professor, REU Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
Dr. M.V. Danilina, Associate Professor, Finance University, REU Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
Dr. S.Yu. Eroshkin, Associate Professor, REU Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia, Eroshkin.SY@rea.ru
Dr. О. I. Kulygina, Associate Professor of Department, REU Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
Dr. S.P. Ivanova, Associate Professor of Department, REU Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
Dr. D.К. Balakhanovа, Associate Professor of Department, REU Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
Prof. Dr. L.А. Danchenok, Professor, Dean of Department, REU Plekhanov, Moscow, Russia
key words
Reserve Fund, National Welfare Fund, oil and hydrocarbons, economy, sanctions, disappearance
Many analysts warn today about the possibility of the exhaustion and termination of the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund operation. We have devoted our research to possible solutions to the problem. We consider that the National Welfare Fund should not be spent completely. It is necessary to look for ways to invest the reserves of these funds more efficiently. At present, the investment of the National Welfare Fund in infrastructure projects is not effective enough, so it requires the search for new solutions.
To solve the problem of financing the budget deficit, it is necessary to use a variant of reducing budget expenditures. If possible, do not cut those that can further increase the scale of the economic downturn, and consider the option of raising funds from other funds.
We sought to identify the main stages in the development of theory and practice of project management. We have taken into account the project management in restaurant industry and trade.
This paper presents the basis for interaction of project participants and types of project management offices in the restaurant business.
In the article we have summarized the various options for project management, which are found in the Russian practice of conducting restaurant business and trade.
Results of the study can be used in the selection of project portfolio management schemes.
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