Kompetentnost' 7/128/2015 ISSN 1993-8780
key words
non-destructive testing means, non-destructive testing methods, patent database FIPS, dynamics of patenting
Non-destructive testing is an essential element for examination of safety and quality of materials and technical objects. According to the authors’ view progressive methods and means of non-destructive testing is largely determined by the presence and quantity of the patented technical solutions in the form of inventions and utility models. On the basis of the patent research they conducted statistical analysis of patent data base FIPS about the dynamics of the patenting for methods of non- destructive testing from 1995 to 2015. According to the results of this analysis, the most promising types of non-destructive testing should be considered radiation, optical, acoustic and magnetic, as well as technologies that use tomographic systems. Some promising solutions specific to the studied areas of patenting are identified and discussed while patent analysis.
RF GOST 18353–79 Means of non-destructive control (In Russia).
GOST R 15.011–96 Patent research (In Russia).
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