Franchising: Еconomic and Оrganizational Nature
A.V. Patrusheva, Graduate, St.-Petersburg Institute for Education in Humanities and Social Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russia,
key words
franchising, franchisor, franchisee, franchising nature
I analyze the existing approaches to the definition of franchising, as well as its nature. In the given article I shown that the existing definitions do not reveal fully all the benefits of this type of business for all involved. So, I propose the definition of franchising, eliminating the drawbacks of existing approaches. This definition takes into account the peculiarities of franchising, objectives and tasks of all parties involved in these relationships, and most fully describes the nature of franchising. According to this definition, it is clear that franchising, in addition to the above points of view, can be seen even from a financial point of view as a tool for creating value for the participants of the business process, as well as from a marketing point of view as a tool to create value for consumers, which is of great application value.
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