Management оf Measuring Equipment

Dr. B.Ya. Litvinov, Chief Researcher, D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology, St.-Petersburg, Russia, Prof. Dr. M.V. Okrepilov, Deputy Director, D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology, St.-Petersburg, Russia,

R.V. Pavlov, State Centre Test-St.-Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia,

key words

management, measuring equipment, hyperbolic distribution, optimization


In this article, we have shown that the management system in metrology provides the management of organization’s measuring equipment park, including the provision of necessary measuring instruments’ combination of different numbers. We have explained that with the nomenclatural optimization of the measuring equipment, the methods developed within the framework of the pricing theory are applicable. The application of the criteria for hyperbolic distributions makes it possible to provide information selection at optimizing the necessary resource. The pricing approach with the use of hyperbolic N-distribution’s criteria is expedient at the development of complex standards, for which the problems of mass and single optimal combination are becoming even more urgent than for working standards, separately in each type of measurement. We have proposed an approach that does not exclude the existing methods of optimization, but only complements them in relation to such specific objects as the measuring equipment of the metrology center.

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