Using Mathematical Models while Harmonization of the Standard Requirements
Dr. M.A. Polyakova, Associate Professor, FSBEI HE, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia,
Dr. Yu.V. Danilova, Research Engineer, FSBEI HE, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
key words
standard, mathematical assessment, customer, manufacturer
We have explained that mathematical methods development is necessary for assessing the position of consumers and producers in the development of standard requirements. It is an actual problem. We consider that the using mathematical apparatus helps to formalize the decision-making process. The opportunity of full consumer and producer’s requirements assessment is shown. It is based on mathematical models for the calculation of local (in case if index value is set to the nominal value) and interval (in case if index value is set as an interval) estimates. We are confident that an advantage of this approach is the use of well-known qualimetry formulas for assessing the individual indicators of production quality. These make this approach universal. We believe it allows to consider not only quantitative differences in the individual indicators importance, but also qualitative. In other words is the status of dominant or compensated index.
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