Regulation the Staffing by the Correlation- Regression Method

Dr. L.P. Maysuradze, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Logistics, Faculty of Engineering Business and

Management, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MSTU), Moscow, Russia, V.A. Tret’yakova, Undergraduate Student, Department of Industrial Logistics, Faculty of Engineering Business and Management, MSTU, Moscow, Russia,

key words

correlation-regression method, population rationing, regression model, algorithm for calculating the number of personnel


We examined the correlation-regression method for calculating the number of accounts as one of the methods of labor standardization, and they resulted in a generalizing calculation algorithm. We have shown that with the help of cause-effect relationships the method allows calculating the staffing rate for an enterprise that has branches with units performing the same functions. The method also allows you to determine the required number of employees when opening a new branch. Of course, the more enterprises are considered, the more accurate regression coefficients will be obtained, but for an approximate estimate of the required number, three existing branches may be sufficient. Such an assessment can be useful in the formation of a business plan for opening a new branch, for calculating the approximate number of required areas, arranging workplaces and estimating the wage fund.

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