Kompetentnost' 5/126/2015

ISSN 1993-8780

QMS as a Сondition the of Professional Educational

Organization Management’s Effectiveness

L.A. Fedyk, Head of the Central Organ, Russian Register, Director, SEI HPE, West-Siberian center of the introduction of high technology professional, Tyumen, Russia, flarisa1261@mail.ru

A.P. Smutok, Expert Auditor, Central Organ, Russian Register, Deputy Director SEI HPE, West-Siberian center

of the introduction of high technology professional, Tyumen, Russia

G.V. Preys, Director, SAPEI, Golyshmanovsky Agropedagogical College, Tyumen region, Russia

key words

education quality, educational institutions’ quality management, complex target program, education quality evaluation, quality management system


While studying the legal, scientific, educational and methodical literature, we found that many researchers are paying due attention to the implementation of the quality management system, but its design issues are discussed without reference to the professional organizations. The new requirements of society to the graduates of the education system initiate the establishment of educational institutions of modern quality management systems of education, laying the basis for the standard model and the quality of educational outcomes on the basis of international standards. We reviewed the methodological foundations of development and implementation of quality management systems in educational organizations, including the example Golyshmanovsky agropedagogical college of Tyumen Region.

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2. GOST ISO 9001–2011 Quality management systems. Requirements. Interstate standard (In Russia).
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