Kompetentnost' 7/118/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Something New in Territorial QMS Effectiveness


Dr. I.I. Antonova, Associate Professor, Director, Institute of Business Education, Head of Industrial Management

Department, Vice President for Further Vocational Training, Kazan, Russia, antonova@ieml.ru

Prof. Dr. I.Z. Aronov, Head of Scientific Field, Russian Research Institute for Certification, JSC, Moscow, Russia, aiz@gost.ru

Prof. Dr. V.Ya. Belobragin, Deputy Chief Editor, Periodical Standards and Quality, Moscow, Russia

Dr. O.V. Maksimova, Associate Professor, Moscow Power-Engineering Institute (MPEI), Research University, Moscow, Russia, o-maximova@yandex.ru

key words

quality management system area, management systems effectiveness, the impact

of territorial quality management systems on the regional economy


Effectiveness questions of the territorial quality management systems impact on the regional economy previously considered only at rating companies in the real improvement of their products’ quality. In this article we present a methodological approach to assess the impact of individual elements of the territorial quality control on the economy of a particular Russian Federation subject. We have chosen the Republic of Tatarstan as one of such subjects. Work was carried out within the framework of the research project on the total quality management regional system formation.

There was chosen a 15-year period from 1999 to 2013 for the study. The initial data were considered to be gross regional product, the value of exports, investment, the number of quality management systems and the number of students in the field of quality management.

According to the results of the study we determined the statistical regression relation between Tatarstan gross regional product and the factors that ensure this gross regional product. These factors primarily include the number of quality management systems, the number of students in the field of quality management, the volume of exports and investment.

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