Kompetentnost' 2/123/2015
ISSN 1993-8780
The Development of Regional Educational
Standards System of the Moscow Region
(MGOU), Moscow, Russia, tivlasova@rambler.ru
key words
modernization of the education system, higher vocational
training, HVT regional educational standard, the quality of education, professional competence
Regional educational standards in the areas and levels of training are developed in accordance with the principles of standardization system. The quality of education is a backbone element forming a common educational space of the Moscow region. It depends on a combination of factors and resources, as well as the functioning of the administrative and the educational process. These are the processes of designing educational programs, training and methodological support of the educational process, academic management, interaction with employers, research activities, etc.
A draft regional standard of vocational training quality in the Moscow region is being developing now. It consists of two parts: the formation of the educational process quality assurance and quality assessment of vocational training. The second part of this standard is developed on the basis of the quality of education evaluation model, as well as Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the European Region. The degree of the graduates’ readiness to professional competence is determines.
The developed regional standard for the quality of education will be part of the quality management system of higher education institutions of the Moscow region.
1. Federal Law on Education of the Russian Federation from 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ (In Russia).
3. Vlasova T.I. Adaptatsiya vnutrivuzovskikh standartov i sistem menedzhmenta kachestva k novym FGOS [Adaptation of intrahigh standards and quality management systems to the new FSES], Sbornik materialov II Regional’noy mezhvuzovskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii Nauchno-metodicheskie podkhody k formirovaniyu obrazovatel’nykh programm podgotovki kadrov v sovremennykh usloviyak, Moscow, Moscow Regional University, 2014.
Стандартизация. Образование. Кадры
Конференция состоится в Федеральном агентстве по техническому регулированию и метрологии
под патронажем Таможенного союза, Европейской организации качества, Азиатской организации качества, Академии проблем качества, Минпромторга России, РСПП.
В числе приглашенных присутствовали руководители международных организаций, Таможенного союза, ведущих институтов и предприятий стран Таможенного союза, научное сообщество, образовательные учреждения.
В повестке дня — обсуждение профессиональным сообществом целого перечня актуальных вопросов подготовки кадров в области стандартизации, преемственность, инновации и конкурентоспособность, передовой опыт и практика применения приобретенных знаний.
В рамках данной конференции пройдет торжественное награждение вузов за лучшую подготовку кадров
в области стандартизации, а также вручение дипломов лучшим студентам.