Kompetentnost' 7/128/2015 ISSN 1993-8780
key words
development of regulatory treatment of chemical substances and products, concept, objectives, principles, priorities, tasks, state regulation policy
The article addresses the conceptual issues of advancing the regulation of chemicals handling in the Russian Federation, and provides one of the solutions to progress forward — the Development Framework of the Chemicals State Regulation. Systemic function of the described Framework is to provide for convergence and agreement of the shared vision of aims, tasks and outcomes of advancing the state regulation of chemicals handling by all stakeholders.
The draft Framework was developed in accordance with the regulations and the
strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation, the provisions of international treaties and agreements to which Russia is a party, as well as international experience in this field. We consider this document as a constructive tool for advancing the chemicals state regulation, taking into account the balance of interests of the regulator and the business community.
We believe that the implementation of the Framework will provide the conditions necessary for sustainable development of the industry in the Russian Federation, increase of the investment attractiveness and product competitiveness. It will contribute to the transition to modern technologies and reduction of risks to human health and environment up to an acceptable level.
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