Kompetentnost' 3/114/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Calibration Management System Under the Federal

Law On Ensuring Traceability

E.V. Morin, Chief Metrologist, FSI, State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in Moscow, FSI Rostest-Moscow, Moscow, Russia, info@rostest.ru
Prof. Dr. G.V. Pankina, Rector, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational Training, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational) (ASMS), Moscow, Russia, pankinagv@asms.ru

key words

verification, calibration, measuring instruments, government regulation, ensuring the uniformity of measurements


Scientific and technological progress increases the number of measuring instruments and the need for new approaches to their verification and calibration. One of such approaches is discussed in the article. It is based on the article of the Federal Law On ensuring traceability. Results of the measuring instruments calibration made by the accredited bodies or individual entrepreneurs in the area of traceability legal entities can be used for calibration of measuring instruments.
It is shown that the products quality control measurement is an important component for making managerial decisions. One of the criteria for measuring information quality is considered to be timely verification and calibration of measuring instruments. For various reasons, the calibration system was isolated from the verification one. An automated system for remote verification of postal scales is provided as an example of interaction calibration (state regional centers on metrology) and calibration (private) units. Development and implementation of such system is based on technical uniformity of verification procedures and calibration of measuring instruments, as well as the development of information technology. The procedure, technique, technology and order verification is described. Implementation of this technique is now possible thanks to the development and widespread adoption of modern information technology.
The author believes that it is necessary to develop quality control mechanisms for verification activities, including effective model and algorithmization of the control system of business process by calibration laboratory.

1. FZ ot 26/06/2008 no. 102-ФЗ Оb obespechenii edinstva izmereniy [Federal Law On ensuring traceability].

2. Postanovlenie pravitelstva RF ot 20.04.2010 no. 250 О perechne sredstv izmereniy, poverka kotorykh osushchestvlyaetsya tolko akkreditovannymi v ustanovlennom poryadke v oblasti obespecheniya edinstva izmereniy gosudarstvennymi regionalnymi tsentrami metrologii [Order from April 9, 2010 no 218. of the RF On the list of measuring means, verification of which is carried out only

by the accredited in the field of traceability state metrology regional centers].

3. Prikaz Rosstandarta ot 17/05/2013 no. 514 Ob utverzhdenii perechnya tipov sredstv izmereniy, poverka kotorykh osushchestvlyaetsya tolko akkreditovannymi v ustanovlennom poryadke v oblasti obespecheniya edinstva izmereniy federalnymi byudzhetnymi uchrezhdeniyami gosudarstvennymi regionalnymi tsentrami standartizatsii, metrologii i ispytaniy, nakhodyashchimisya v vedenii Federalnogo agentstva po tekhnicheskomu regulirovaniyu i metrologii i оsushchestvlyayushchimi poverku sredstv izmereniy

po reguliruemym tsenam. [Rosstandard Order from May 17, 2013 no. 514 On approving the list of measurement means, verification of which is carried out only by the accredited in the area of traceability federal budgetary institutions, state regional centers

of standardization, metrology and testing, under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology and performing verification of measurements at regulated prices].

4. Prikaz Minpromtorga RF ot 16/03/2010 no. 196 Ob utverzhdenii metodik rascheta raboty i (ili) uslugi po reguliruemym tsenam

[RF Minpromtorg Order from March 16, 2010 no. 196 On approval of the calculation methods of work and (or) services at regulated prices].

5. Order from October 31, 2009 no 879. of the RF On approval of the regulations on measurement units admitted for application in the Russian Federation (In Russia).