Kompetentnost' 9 –10/120 –121/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Monitoring and Diagnostics of Innovators' Competence

Prof. Dr. V.V. Glushchenko, Associate Professor, Financial Law and Taxation Department, Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, Moscow, Russia, glu-valery@yandex.ru

Prof. Dr. I.I. Glushchenko, Associate Professor, Accounting and Statistics Department, Russian State Social University

(RSSU), Moscow, Russia, prepodavatel-gii@mail.ru

key words

control, diagnostics, competence, competence structure, innovation activity, financial result, innovative project external risk, innovation project inherent risk


Underfunding of the majority of scientific schools in the 1990s led to staffing issues hindering the growth of innovation and technological progress today. Therefore one of the most current problems facing the country is a re­creation of scientific and innovative schools in several ways. Because of that methodology of control and diagnostic of experts' competence becomes demanded.

The aim of the research is to develop the methods of control and diagnostics of innovators' competence in the global market with innovative project risks. By competence we mean the possession of the certain competence as a system of knowledge and practical experience which is needed to create a competitive innovative product or service.

In the study we have defined the concept of monitoring and diagnostic of innovators' competence, as well as structured external and internal risks of the innovative project and suggested criteria for assessing the impact of the group members’ competence that implements an innovative project. We have also formed requirements to the level of the participants’ competence according to the financial results of this project.

The presented models formalize the connection between the competence of the project participants and the financial results in the innovative project. The technique is useful in the process of monitoring and diagnostic competence of the innovation project, their impact on the financial result.

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