Information Сo-operation as a Factor of Social
and Information Public Services’ Quality Improvement
N.S. Shilkina, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia
V.G. Svetashov, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia
key words
communication, quality, service, system, information technology, regulation
In article, we have shown the role of information exchange in ensuring the quality of social and information public services. We consider that information interaction is a factor of improving the quality of social and information services. It saves natural resources and the information availability. We have established that the information service is the process of added value increments in economy due to the dynamic exchange of information and documents (including electronic documents) between subjects of market (customer-supplier).
We believe it is necessary to study the entire spectrum of existing social problems, to improve the quality of social and information services. We have determined that the state defines basic rights and duties of interaction subjects through various regulators. It conducts expert studies of legal framework acting in the given sphere with the purpose to improve it.
We consider that information availability for all subjects of the services process as well as its computerization is an important element of information exchange.
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