Kompetentnost' 1/122/2015

ISSN 1993-8780


The Model of a Regional System of Total Quality


Dr. I.I. Antonova, Associate Professor, Head of Department, Industrial Management, Vice-Rector, Private Educational

Institution on Higher Profeccional Education, Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Academician, Academy

for Quality Problems of RF, Corresponding Member, Academy of Natural Sciences, Honorary Worker, Higher Professional

Education of Russian Federation, EOQ auditor, Kazan, Russia, antonova@ieml.ru

key words

regional quality management system, total quality management, social and economic systems


We offers the formalized model of the regional system of general quality management, which integrates the target subsystems and branches with the operating influences, which are the eight principles of Total Quality Management. It was entered the regional all-system criteria and indicators of efficiency, which allow to carry out an assessment of efficiency regional system of the total quality management.
Correlation and regression analysis showed a relationship between gross regional product of the Republic of Tatarstan and the volume of exports and investment, the number of quality management systems, as well as the number of students in the field of quality management.
Within the framework of the modified Cobb-Douglas function we have shown that the level of exports, investment, presence of enterprises and organizations of quality systems based on ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 22001 and others, as well as the increase in the number of students in the field of quality management positively influence on economic growth by increasing gross regional product. The accuracy of calculations increases with increasing sample size over time due to the accumulation of information on selected indicators. Thus, the analysis conducted in the course of our research showed that the proposed theoretical model of regional quality management system is workable in the real development of the region, suitable for interpretation and forecasting. The model is aimed at the improvement and development of a regional system of quality management and competitiveness, to evaluate the effectiveness of the system as a whole and of its separate elements.
The practical importance of work is consists of changing the weight coefficients at aggregation of indicators, government of the region send an opportunity positively to influence on dynamics of efficiency regional system of total quality management, as the making social and economic systems of the region on branches and in general.

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