Kompetentnost' 9–10/160–161/2018
ISSN 1993-8780
Model of Standardization Innovation System in Сompanies
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prof. I.I. Antonova, Vice-rector, Head of Integrated Management Systems Department, Private Educational Institution of Higher Education, V.G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia, Republic of Tatarstan Honored Worker of Higher Education, Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, Russia
А.Т. Khadieva, Senior Teacher, Integrated Management Systems Department, Private Educational Institution of Higher
Education, V.G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University, Kazan, Tatarstan Republic, Russia
key words
industrial revolution, cyber-physical systems, redistribution
of workplaces, inclusiveness, robotics
We worked out the model of the innovative activity standardization system, for description of that we suggest to use a block-model.
An offer axonometric model must reflect multilevel structural-functional character of examined control system. For its analysis at quantitative level we suggest to use the rational language of description of model, worked out by a professor V.Ya. Belobragin. It will allow to overcome quality ideas about functions and structure of the regional system, and also quantitative expressions of present in its intercommunications.
For description of management aims, general and private to a block-models efficiency, the system of criteria and indexes is required. We consider that taking into account the specific of regional features for this level of management the construction of the system of criteria and indexes mainly comparable with branch belonging of organizations is needed.
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