Balanced Score Cards as a Method

of Standardization and Production Management

M.V. Shanta, Postgraduate, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,

Prof. Dr. E.G. Semenova, Associate Professor, Head of Department, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Honored Worker of the RF Higher Education, Russian Government Award holder in area of education, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Prof. Dr. А.G. Varzhapetyan, Professor, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Academician, International

Academy of Informatization, Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

key words

standardization, production management, synergy, key performance indicator (KPI), balanced score cards, KPI tree


We have described the methodology for implementing a balanced score cards system in an enterprise specializing in the production of household electrical appliances, which makes it possible to monitor and achieve the company’s strategic goals.
We have examined four classical elements of a balanced score cards system: (a) financial indicators; (b) customer; (c) internal indicators; (d) training and development of personnel.
We have also defined the objectives of a particular enterprise and have developed indicators (KPI) to achieve these goals.
We believe that after determining the strategy and strategic goals of the company, its management should consider the mechanism for bringing the company’s objectives to the staff. Finally, we have shown an improvement in the activity of an enterprise specializing in the production of household electrical appliances, which it has achieved as a result of applying to the technique of introducing a balanced system of indicators, described in this article.

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