Production Process Optimization: the Use of Lean
I.A. Elin, Postgraduate, Department, Quality Management and Certification, K.E. Tsiolkovsky MATI — RGTU, Moscow, Russia,
Prof. Dr. V.A. Vasil'ev, Head, Department Quality Management and Certification, K.E. Tsiolkovsky MATI — RGTU, Moscow, Russia,
key words
quality management, project management, process optimization, project planning phase, lean production, production system
Continuous efforts to improve the efficiency of any organization is important for its competitiveness. A methodology of lean production, together with the methodology of project management is used to improve the efficiency of processes, structuring and formalizing the work on the optimization and efficient use of human resources. (Standard ‘A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge’).
In turn, the introduction of the lean production methodology involves the usage of methods that allow organize and formalize the work as efficiently as possible. One of the main methods is the methodology of project management.
The tasks that are necessary to be solved at the planning stage of the project on implementation of this methodology in the organization to identify key areas of work are describes. Article code 658.5.012.14.
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