Higher Education Quality Improving on the Basis of Lean Production Principles

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V.V. Glushchenko, Professor, Department, Management and Personnel Management of the Organization, Emperor Nicholas II Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, Moscow, Russia, glu-valery@yandex.ru Assoc. Prof. Dr. I.I. Glushchenko, Professor, Financial Accounting and Statistics Department, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia, prepodavatel-gii@mail.ru

key words

quality, Lean production, service, education, loss, risk, researcher, student


To improving the services quality we investigated the factors necessary to apply the Lean production principles’s educational services in Russian higher education. We analyzed the principles of Lean manufacturing and formulated them for educational services.

Analysis of trends in crisis management in higher education in Russia allows us to conclude that the topic of our research is topical.

We believe that the implementation of these principles by universities will help improve the quality of the universities themselves. This will have a positive effect on the effectiveness of crisis management in higher education, improving the state of the entire national economy and society as a whole.

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