Current Reality Tree for Industrial Park Projects in Novosibirsk Industry

Prof. Dr. N.G. Nizovkina, Associate Professor, Department, Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU), Novosibirsk, Russia,, Dr. Yu.S. Semenova, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Technology Department, NSTU, Novosibirsk

With the help of one of the constraints theory tools we have built the tree of existing reality for the introduction of the new concept of industrial parks in the Novosibirsk

reindustrialization, industrial parks,

region. It is concluded that the main problem of the environment is considered to be

theory of constraints, Current

misunderstanding or the lack of knowledge about the conflict between the local and

Reality Tree, UnDesitrable Effect,

global efficiency. Without solving this problem the further improvement in activity of

local and global effectiveness, Core Problem industrial parks is impossible. During the study we have reached the next conclusions: To create a favorable environment of industrial development in the region it is necessary to increase knowledge about the compatibility of local and global efficiency. Faulty paradigm that each operation must be carried out as efficiently as possible prevents the environment improvement. If we organize the system so that every action brings benefit to us only when we are acting in the interests of the system as a whole, the system will sure to improve. We need to formulate this knowledge, find a way to evaluate our actions positively, if they improve the economy of the region’s industry.


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