Mechanisms for Adaptation of Technical Solutions to the Russia Defense Ministry’s Requirements

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S.S. Smirnov, Deputy Head of Department FSBI «46 Central Research Institute» Ministry of Defense of Russia, Moscow, Russia,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. R.V. Reulov, Deputy Head of Department FSBI «46 Central Research Institute» Ministry of Defense of Russia, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. S.V. Stukalin, Head of Laboratory FSBI «46 Central Research Institute» Ministry of Defense of Russia, Moscow, Russia,

key words

innovative processes, priority technological areas, scientific activity results


We examined the mechanisms for adapting technical solutions received by the organizations of the defense industry, higher education, state scientific centers and small companies, to the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. We believe that knowledge of these mechanisms and the method of their use will help to reduce the timeframes for the transition from the prototype stage to approbation and the introduction of technical solutions into the AMST models. And the terms of the transition depend on the levels of novelty, elaboration, readiness of the received results of scientific and technical activity, possible directions of use, risk of non-receipt of the declared result and resource provision. We believe that all this will significantly reduce the timeframe for the arrival in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of new models and weapons systems based on innovative approaches and breakthrough technical solutions.

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