Permanent Improvement Model of Trade Policy in a Large Enterprise

Dr. A.N. Karamyshev, Associate Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of the Kazan Federal University, Naberezhnye

Chelny, Russia,

key words

profitability, optimization, business management, maturity of business process, improvement of activities


Many models for assessing the maturity of the enterprise process management system (in particular, CMMI, the classification of process control system’s states for industrial enterprises, proposed by A.N. Karamyshev, I.I. Makhmutov, S.A. Sych, the five- level maturity model of BI, etc.) the highest level is the desire for excellence. At this level, constant improvement of all enterprise subsystems and increase of its overall competitiveness are carried out. However, quantitative methods, realizing the desire for excellence, were not proposed. At present, the highest level of process management maturity’s implementation is, in many ways, a non-systemic process. In this regard, the task of systemically determining the most significant and maximizing economic impact points of efforts is relevant.

In this article, I have proposed a model for permanent improvement of commodity policy for a large machine-building enterprise, which allows to determine products with low profitability, to plan measures to increase the specific and total profit, taking into account the share of enterprise’s overhead costs, attributed to the cost of each type of products.

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