Kompetentnost' 8/119/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Organization Internal Insourcing Effectiveness


Dr. R.A. Dolzhenko, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Sociology of Labor and Personnel

Management, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia, snurk17@gmail.com

key words

new forms of labour relations, insourcing, effectiveness evaluation, the performance insourcing


In a highly competitive environment modern organizations are forced to outsource their non-core functions on outsourcing, or to optimize them through insourcing. To evaluate the effectiveness of such optimizations appropriate methodology and tools are needed. In this study I considered the concept of insourcing as a technology of providing functions to third-party companies by signing key classification that are based on the audience criteria. In the course of my studies terminology and essence of insourcing technology were analyzed. The components that make up the economic effect were highlighted. An algorithm for calculating the performance of this form of labor relations was given. As a result, an original method of assessing the effectiveness of internal insourcing was developed.

The work was supported by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science in the framework of the state tasks basic part in the field of scientific activities of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Altai State University, project ID No. 2014/2-752.

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