Normocontrol of Technical Documentation in the Product Quality Management System
Dr. Е.V. Zimina, Associate Professor, Department of Building Technological Complexes, Nizhny Novgorod R.E. Alekseev
State Technical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
Dr. V.N. Kaynova, Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Nizhny Novgorod R.E. Alekseev
State Technical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
Dr. V.G. Kutyaykin, Head, Department of Standardization, Certification and Quality Management, Nizhny Novgorod Branch of Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (training), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
key words
normocontrol, design documentation, technological documentation, normocontrol technique, normative documents
Technical documentation’s normocontrol and metrological expertise as a form of metrological control are a part of a tasks range on the regulatory and metrological ensuring that the documentation meets the requirements.
In the article we have talked about the role of design and technological documentation’s normocontrol in the tasks range on the normative ensuring compliance of the documentation with the established requirements to ensure high quality of the products.
We have described the methodology for conducting and the updated normative base for standard control of engineering and technological documentation for engineering industries. In addition, we have summarized and cited typical comments of normocontrollers, systematized according to different types of documents.
We consider that in modern conditions the role of technical documentation’s normocontrol as one of the forms of state regulation in the field of product quality assurance has significantly increased.
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