30 TOPICAL THEME Kompetentnost' 2/123/2015

Imposing Sanctions on Russia. Analysis of the Implication

Dr. M.V. Danilina, Associate Professor, Risk Analysis and Economic Security Department, FSBEI HVT Finuniversitet, Moscow, Russia, marinadanilina2014@yandex.ru

key words

sanctions, Russia, the European Union, the USA, oil and gas, agriculture, rocket and space industry


The imposition of sanctions has changed the nature of Russia’s cooperation with a number of countries around the world. I reviewed the reasons for the imposition of sanctions and their implications for the political and economic situation of our country. In his study, I paid special attention to the oil and gas, agricultural and aerospace industries. Although industrial business has suffered from sanctions in the agricultural production, but it also gave a new motivation to strengthen and improvement of agricultural products’ national production effectiveness. Replacement of the imported goods by domestic ones has now become an urgent task for the Russian Federation. Sanctions resulted in a change and greater diversification of suppliers of imported agricultural products.
The introduction of anti-Russian sanctions complicate the activities of Russian oil and gas companies. Unfortunately, Russian energy sector is largely depending on the foreign capital and technology for the development of unconventional oil and gas reserves. However, with existing potential oil and gas industry has a real opportunity to cope with the difficulties and continue to develop.
As a result, anti-Russian sanctions have a negative impact on our country and in the EU are losing both sides.
The introduction of anti-Russian sanctions have influenced the agricultural and oil and gas sector and had a lesser extent on the aerospace industry.
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