Assessment of the Relevance Calibration Services for Standards and Measuring Devices

N.A. Makeeva, Engineer 1-st Category, FATRM FBU The State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Orel Region, Orel, Russia,

key words

calibration, calibration laboratory, standards, measuring devices, assessment of service relevance, metrological traceability


Unity and accuracy of measurements are the most important factors in the formation of the quality of products (services). Therefore, a high level of metrological support of production is an indispensable condition for further improving the quality of products (services) and production efficiency. I conducted an assessment of the relevance for calibration services for standards and measuring instruments based on the results of interview among specialists of metrological services of enterprises (organizations) and institutions. The main directions of the work have been formulated, which, in the opinion of the survey participants, will promote the promotion of calibration services in the market of metrological services in Russia.

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