On Confirmation of Methodology for Determining

Heavy Metals in Water Samples

O.Yu. Lugovaya, Master, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Dr. L.V. Polyakova, Associate Professor, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia Dr. Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, Associate Professor, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, knevm@mail.ru

Dr. Е.V. Yakushina, General Director, Eco-analytical Center Ekostok, Moscow, Russia

key words

water, water quality, technique, heavy metals, conformity attestation


We have confirmed the compliance of the method for determining heavy metals in water samples to the requirements of normative documentation and the possibility of using this technique in the laboratory of the Ecological Analysis Center Ekostock LLC. To conduct the research, we have used an absorption spectrophotometer with a flame atomizer QUANT-2A, auxiliary equipment, reagents and materials: state standard samples of solutions' composition, corresponding to the selected elements, etc. We have performed statistical processing of results using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Based on the calculations, we have established the possibility of obtaining analytical results in the laboratory with an accuracy that meets the requirements of quantitative chemical analysis technique. This indicates the correctness of the procedure. This was the basis for recommending the use of the quantitative chemical analysis technique in the laboratory of the Ecological Center Ekostock LLC.

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