Human Factor in the Integrated Management
Dr. V.I. Danilyak, Сhief researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Certification, Moscow, Russia,
key words
erghatic systems, оrganizational management, human factor cluster, social management
Human factor in administrative systems is defined as one of the key factors. In this study I analyze the issue of management areas relationship within integrated management systems and the thesis on primacy of social management in it, otherwise — a cluster of human factors. I consider that such a solution should be implemented on the platform of quality management as a one of the most mature forms of management. In addition, the future of organizational management depends on success of its vectors, associated with the human factor, integration in a single cluster. As a result, it will help to achieve the ultimate goal facing any domestic manufacturing organization in today's difficult economic conditions: release of competitive and economic product while maintaining and further developing the organizational human capital.
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