Kompetentnost' 6/157/2018

ISSN 1993-8780

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Technologies for Diagnosing the Properties of Structurally Heterogeneous Materials

Dr. Prof. А.А. Barzov, Leading Researcher, Center for Hydrophysical Research, Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov

Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, a.a.barzov@gmail.com

E.S. Golubev, Leading Engineer, Department of Space Structures, ACC of the P.N. Lebedev FIAN, Moscow, Russia, golubev.ev@asc.rssi.ru

Dr. V.М. Korneeva, Professor, Metrology and Interchangeability Department, N.E. Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia, v_korneeva@list.ru

Dr. S.S. Korneev, Associate Professor, Technology of Rocket and Space Engineering Department, N.E. Bauman MSTU, Moscow, Russia

key words

control, diagnostics, quality, additive technologies, laser sintering, expert assessments


We set the task of developing tools for operational control and diagnostics of the instability parameters of structurally heterogeneous properties of materials obtained by using discrete form-building technologies. Using the method of expert-analytical evaluation, we formulated functional-essential criteria characterizing the potential of various diagnostic methods.

We proposed a phased algorithm for realizing ultrasonic diagnostics in determining the variable anisotropy of the physical and mechanical properties of materials. The results of research of information-diagnostic possibilities of application of the expert-analytical analysis in the early stages of the life cycle of promising products are presented. As a result of the analysis, some results obtained by various technologies are presented, including discrete-additive laser sintering. And from the analysis of these data, a close correlation with the results of the performed EAA is seen, which confirms the scientific and applied significance of the study.

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