Компетентность 9 –10/120 –121/2014 ОБУЧЕНИЕ 11

18000, SA 8000, ТPS, 5S, 8D, Lean production, менеджмент измерений и др. Детально изложен опыт разра­ ботки и функционирования отдельных элементов и разделов систем менедж­ мента качества, процедуры сертифика­ ции и консалтинга.
Правительство Нижегородской области и Нижегородская ассоциа­ ция промышленников и предприни­ мателей отмечают важность сборника для улучшения работы региональных предприятий и организаций в сфере
повышения качества и конкурентоспо­ собности, его заметную роль в активи­ зации «Делового клуба по проблемам качества и конкурентоспособности».
Деятельность Нижегородского фи­ лиала АСМС в области дополнитель­ ного профессионального образования, анализа передового регионального опыта по повышению качества и конку­ рентоспособности отмечена дипломом Всероссийского конкурса «100 луч­ ших товаров России» в номинации


Kompetentnost' 9 –10/120 –121/2014

ISSN 1993-8780


Further Vocational Training. Specialists Training in the Field of Quality Management System

Dr. V.G. Kutyaykin, Head of Department, Standardization, Certification and Quality Management, Nizhniy Novgorod Branch, FSAEI FVT, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation,

N.A. Makarov, Director, Nizhniy Novgorod Branch, FSAEI FVT, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

(Educational), Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation,

key words

further vocational training, quality management system, annual regional proceeding, further training

The specific character of further training in the field of quality management systems in the conditions of further vocational training is predetermined by the Federal Law
«On Education in the Russian Federation». Besides, with the development of educational programs and educational thematic plans to improve the skills of these specialists we must also take into account the high requirements for QMS FL «On Accreditation» in the national system of accreditation «and the specific requirements for the metrological guarantee of the Federal Law «On Uniformity of Measurements».
We reviewed the features of the professional development in the field of QMS within the additional professional education on the example of Nizhny Novgorod ASMS Branch: the contingent of students, the accepted methods of training, the training programs on specializations, the list of studied issues with current modalities of the organizations, the practical questions of the QMS organizations at the stage of certification and surveillance, the exchange of experience in the effective functioning of the QMS.
We believe that while further training in the field of QMS it is important to exchange regular information of best practices development, adaptation and use of advanced management methods, including the field of quality management and improvement of the competitiveness of goods and services on the pages of the annual regional digest
«The quality and competitiveness».
We have presented the regional experience in the use of new forms of further training for the QMS specialists.