Kompetentnost' 9 –10/120 –121/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

The Analysis of Activity of the Russian Fuel and Energy Complex

M.V. Danilina, Associate Professor, Risk Analysis and Economic Security Department, FSEBU FPT, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia, marinadanilina@yandex.ru

Dr. S.Yu. Eroshkin, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute of Financial and Economic Research, FSEBU FPT, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

key words

fuel and energy complex, cluster, oil industry, gas industry, competitiveness


The low level of competitiveness of Russian enterprises requires a large­scale innovation and technological modernization. Heterogeneity in the distribution of industries in terms of competitiveness demands the formation of advanced innovation and technology clusters, combining technological chains of different but related to each other industries. We have considered the problem of the Russian economy on the example of the Russian fuel and energy complex. In the study we analyzed the basic parameters of the fuel and energy sector: production, exports, consumption, as well as the expediency and effectiveness of the establishment and functioning of petrochemical district interregional clusters on the territory of Russia.
The main problem of the petrochemical industry is the excess of raw materials and constantly increasing demand for these products in the apparent shortage of facilities for the production of monomers. The situation will be changed by the plan of gas and petrochemical development of Russia for the period up to 2030.
The low level of competitiveness of Russian enterprises requires a large­scale innovation and technological modernization. Russia needs a coherent, long­term policy of reforms in the economic and social spheres. Cluster development, coordinated work of all technological units, investment in the development of promising new fields, innovative energy sources will contribute to the efficient operation of domestic fuel and energy complex.

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