The Information Identification Problem in Design


D.E. Shol’, Senior Lecturer, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia,

key words

logistic information, design documentation, information identification of production, automatic recognizability of input information, data format unification


Automation of design work and the whole production cycle has become a way of business survival in the highly competitive environment of quick quality products’ placing on the market. The life cycle of any product and related logistics information processes begins with the formation of the object name.
The method of naming design documents directly affects the information support of the logistics chain from producer to consumer. For example, the ambiguity of assignment the products an informational name in a single system for design documentation causes a rare use of the standard norms. With the release of the design documentation the ID must consist of elements that are understandable without the use of additional sources of information recoding. Digital data IDs do not meet this requirement.
At all stages of the product life cycle for information support of the logistics identification as the first component of the object designation is considered to be its semantic representation, and its second component is a mnemonic addition.
The cause of imperfection of the products’ information support is the problem of the unification of data identification in the first stage of the life cycle, at the stage of design works.

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